Radiator Manufacturer

Solve Your Queries About Car Radiators

A car radiator is one of the essential components, as it cools the engine. It is the whole and solely responsible for restaining the engine to overheat.

Driving a car becomes riskier if the radiator does not perform up to the mark. Therefore, you must purchase it from a reliable radiator manufacturer in India like FTH Industries. They offer the best car radiator. They are also known as the best industrial radiator manufacturer in India.

Let’s get to solve the queries for car radiators without further ado.

Why do cars need radiators?

The function of a radiator is to prevent the engine from overheating. It produces a lot of heat when it is working. You can drive a car without a radiator as well. However, it is a risky task. If the engine is not getting overheated, it will be fine. Otherwise, a radiator is a must in a car for cooling down the engine.

How do car radiators work?

The cooling process begins when the water pump starts to feed coolant to the engine. The coolant then circulates through the cylinders, absorbing the heat generated by the engine’s combustion and friction. As a result, the coolant heats up and flows into the radiator via the higher hose, where it absorbs all of the heat.

Any tips for maintaining the car radiator?

Here are a few tips that help you maintain the car radiator.

  • You must keep the radiator’s fluid at a proper level. The ideal mixture of the coolant and water is 50/50.
  • The cap of the radiator must be compacted, as it maintains the pressure of the coolant system.
  • The radiator’s exterior needs cleaning at regular intervals with a soft brush and a water hose after it has cooled down completely.
  • A car radiator becomes clogged over time that needs to be flushed and refilled. As a result, the cooling system will run more efficiently. The industrial radiator manufacturer in India can guide you in this matter.

What are the signs that indicate that radiator has some issues?

Despite maintaining the car radiator, it will start creating problems at some point in time.

  • Hoses that carry the fluid may have leakages over time.
  • The engine’s temperature may rise if the thermostat is not working properly.
  • The water pump that drives the coolant broke down, resulting in an overheated engine.

Hope all your queries are resolved. If you have any more questions, contact FTH Industries, get your queries solved, and purchase the best car radiator.

Automotive radiator manufacturer

Guide to 3 Common Car Radiator Problems

With regular maintenance and upkeep, a car radiator may rarely cause issues. Further, radiators developed by a renowned automotive radiator manufacturer last longer.

Here are some of the most frequent automobile radiator issues to be aware of, as well as the signs to check for:

Leaky Hoses

The hoses that transport the cooling fluid through the radiator are among the most vulnerable parts of the system. Coolant hoses can develop minor splits or breaks over time due to corrosion or abrasion. Therefore, you must replace them regularly to keep the cooling system running smoothly. The following signs are indicators that your car radiator needs to be replaced:

  • Engine getting overheated
  • The front of your car leaks yellow liquid
  • Your dashboard reflects overheating light
  • More or less steam coming out of the bonnet

Fallible Thermostat

To control the coolant flow into the radiator, an ECU is used, also known as Engine Control Unit. A thermostat cools the liquid. It is attached to the ECU that maintains sufficient flow. If the thermostat does not function correctly, the temperature of the engine may rise rapidly. The warnings to consider are:

  • A sudden spike in engine temperature
  • Leakage around the thermostat
  • Dashboard indicating overheating
  • Steam leaking from the bonnet

Water Pump Failure

Just like the heart pumps the blood in the veins, similarly, a water pump powers the movement of the coolant throughout the tubes. The pump may wear out over time. It hampers the adequate flow of the liquid resulting in an overheated engine. The symptoms are more or less the same as follows:

  • Leaky water pump
  • Steam from the radiator
  • Dashboard indicating overheat sign
  • Loose pulley of the pump making high-pitched noise

Other than the common signs mentioned above, you may have encountered additional problems like holes in your radiator, issues with the radiator fan, air getting in the system, etc. The best way to deal with these issues is to ask a professional mechanic to do a complete cooling system check. In the worst case, you may be asked to replace parts.

For the best quality car radiator, always extend to an expert industrial radiator manufacturer like FTH. We master the art of creating advanced radiators for diverse industrial applications. Check now!